Sunday Mitsuwa Food Adventure

Sunday Funday to have a Sunday Mitsuwa Food Adventure

Beef Curry
Beef Curry combo served with rice with a side of salad.
Maeda Green Tea Mochi Ice Cream
Maeda Green Tea Mochi Ice Cream

My bf and I had a Sunday Mitsuwa food adventure at the Mitsuwa’s Market Place in Costa Mesa. I really love the food courts there because there’s just so much to choose from. Funny thing is that I usually always end up going to the same restaurant. It’s either udon or the curry shop, but my bf and I decided to get curry. After we lined up to place our order, a lot of people showed up so we made it just in time. What caught my eyes was the mackerel plate but I wasn’t sure if that came with anything on the side and I was hungry for a big portion. I wanted to get the beef curry and my bf got the beef katsu. I ended up getting the beef curry which was filling and delicious. I never saw or heard about beef katsu as I was only familiar with chicken katsu. So I took a bite of the beef katsu my bf ordered and it was that much more flavorful and delicious because the beef was covered with the fried with the panko flour! Everything just tastes so good deep-fried.

Beef Katsu served with rice and a side of salad
Beef Katsu served with rice and a side of salad

We had our usual mochi dessert tradition and we tried the Maeda-en mochi brand. My bf suggested we try that one last time and when we had it, it was as good as the Mikawaya brand. The only downfall of the Maeda-en brand is that it contains carrageenan, but the Mikawaya brand doesn’t.





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