Yonaka Modern Japanese Restaurant

Who doesn't love Happy Hour when you can get food and drinks for half the price, right? But let me tell you about a place in Las Vegas where a Japanese restaurant is serving fancy tapas style plates during their happy hour! Yonaka Modern Japanese Restaurant is a sushi bar and a tapas (small plates) joint which fuses traditional Japanese ingredients along with modern ingredients incorporated to each dish. With this new take on Japanese food with delicious ingredients, it's no wonder that it won the Diner's Choice 2014 award. I only knew about this place since my foodie friend and I were meeting up this place. We showed up just in time for happy hour. I still can't get over the fact that Vegas happy hour starts late. I'm so used to hearing about the happy hour here in SoCal which is around 2-5pm, but in Vegas, everything closes late. [caption id="attachment_16856" align="alignnone" width="600"]Yonaka Modern Japanese Menu Yonaka Modern Japanese Restaurant[/caption] Customer service is great here. It's a romantic place with delicious happy hour menu with so much detail. [caption id="attachment_16855" align="alignnone" width="600"]Yonaka Granny Smiths Apples with pear Yonaka Granny Smiths Apples with pear[/caption] The waiter arrived with a simple little appetizer on the house. The sauce it was prepared in made it very special and tangy. Each bite was just savory to the point that it makes my mouth water just thinking about it. There were a lot to choose from the menu but luckily our friends have tried everything on the menu. [caption id="attachment_16865" align="alignnone" width="600"]Yonaka Avocado Nigiri Yonaka Avocado Nigiri[/caption] For a $1, you can get two Yonaka Avocado Nigiri with Tamari and Yuzu Kosho which I highly recommend. I was hesitant at first but my friend "W" said it is delicious. And it sure was. Sliced avocados, rice, and nigiri wrapped in nori seaweed made it unique and a taste worthy experience. The avocado is extra creamy, the sauce has the right amount of saltiness as well as the Yuzu Kosho which is Japanese seasoning.  After one bite, it's gone, but so full of flavor.

[caption id="attachment_16864" align="alignnone" width="600"]Yonaka Crispy Brussel Sprouts $5.00 Yonaka Crispy Brussel Sprouts $5.00[/caption] Next, we ordered the Yonaka Crispy Brussel Sprouts which  were baked to crunchy and golden perfection. It's covered with oil which is not too overwhelming, crispy, and tangy from the lemon chili, and mint all at the same time. Topped with crunchy puffed rice, it totally completes this amazing plate. [caption id="attachment_16866" align="alignnone" width="600"]Yonaka Chuka Bun Yonaka Chuka Bun[/caption] ECO-friendly gifts at ECOlunchbox O.M.G., guys, I had to save the best for last. The best meal of the night was the Yonaka Chuka Buns are not like your pork buns from a Chinese restaurant. The Bun is light, soft, and fluffy, with a thick cut of savory pork belly that was soft and crunchy on some parts and is full of fatty goodness. The buns are also stuffed with cilantro, jalapeno, and Granny Smith Apple. [caption id="attachment_16857" align="alignnone" width="600"]Yonaka Berry Mojito Sake Yonaka Berry Mojito Sake[/caption] "W" was sipping on the Yonaka Berry Mojito Sake so I just had to get it. Just look at the presentation! It's full of color and full of flavor too. This is definitely a happy hour treat. If you're around Vegas area, check them out at the location below. I highly recommend with a taste for great Japanese food with a twist! Yonaka Modern Japanese Restaurant is located at 4983 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89103.





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