Mountain Goats

Yellowstone Animal Sightings Sept 22, 2013- Better Late Than Never…

Yellowstone Animal Sightings
Yellowstone Animal Sightings

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday 🙂 We had another lovely weather today as well and it was a bit breezy. The air was nice, the sun was warm, and I’m totally enjoying the daylight savings to run errands and hit the gym. With all this sun light and birds chirping, I reminisce about my Yellowstone trip last year. I was looking through my drafts and noticed I never shared the Yellowstone animal sightings but here it is! Also I have included just some random foodie things during the trip.

healthy dish

We cooked a healthy dinner when we were back in our cabin. It might not look too appetizing but it was delicious sauteed mushrooms, steamed broccoli, and I bought a packaged wood fire smoked salmon from Gardiner’s market which was surprisingly good.

Wood fire Smoked Wild Samon
Wood fire Smoked Wild Samon

Now that “G” and I and a few friends are planning a trip in the first week of June, it’s getting me excited. To get ready for all the excitement, I’m going through all the pictures from previous year. What makes this year different is that we’re going during the spring so we get to see more flowers and animal activity (well I’m assuming), compared to when we went during the fall.

Bison on the road
Bison on the road causing traffic

You just never know what kind of Yellowstone animal sightings you’ll encounter because you see then on the road, off in the distance, or on the trails. I remember our plan last year was to get up early enough before the sun comes out because that’s when animals are active. Driving on the dirt road from the cabin to the paved Gardiner Montana road was a slow and dusty one.

Grizzly bear
Grizzly bear

We woke up early one morning to get a glimpse of the animals since they love to be out before it gets too bright out. It was so unexpected, but as we were driving to the main town, we bumped right into a grizzly bear just roaming around a high school football field!

Grizzly bear
Grizzly bear

He was just minding his own business so we were driving slowly to capture lots of great pictures. There was a family nearby camping out next to their vehicle when they noticed the bear and immediately went back in which was probably a good idea. A local noticed the bear and called the park ranger.


When you drive through Yellowstone, you will see lots of pronghorns.

Bull elk
Bull elk
Young Bull Elk
Young Bull Elk eating with his not fully developed antlers (looked more like devil horns!)

An amazing animal such as the bull elk is a sight to see as there’s usually a lone elk or ones with his harem.

Have you been to Yellowstone or another National Park? What animal sightings have you had?





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