First Trip To Yellowstone 2011

Yellowstone Falls
Yellowstone Falls


I never knew such a place like Yellowstone existed. My bf would talk about how beautiful and amazing that place is so I would just absorb everything he told me about the place. I used to think that Yellowstone was Yosemite. Both the parks begins with the letter “Y”, and therefore, that confused me. But let me assure you that both of the places are quite different. I only saw documentaries of Yosemite and experienced Yellowstone, but I can tell those two places are different. When people asked where I was going on vacation, I said Yellowstone and majority of the people I spoke to believed that it was Yosemite. Even today, many are still confused and get those two mixed up.

I was so ready for the long road trip and being able to go outdoors. What was really exciting was the fact that I was able to go out-of-state. The only state I’ve been to was Arizona and Nevada.

What feared me the most was the animals of the park. When I saw the Yellowstone documentary, it seemed like visitors will be completely out in the fields with the animals, but the experience was totally different. Bears was something I really feared about.

Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring





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