Woodside Bakery Montana

Located at 17 Madison Ave West Yellowstone, MT 59758.

Unfortunately I never got any pictures of Woodside Bakery Montana, but this place is amazing. Before you get in the bakery, you can already smell the freshly baked cinnamon rolls. The cinnamon rolls are ginormous and is drenched in icing. My bf and I decided to get the the roll that was covered with orange icing and it did taste like sweet oranges.

For breakfast, my bf and I ordered a croissant breakfast sandwich which had bacon, egg, and cheese while his two friends “K” and “T” ordered the breakfast bagels which also included bacon, egg, and cheese. There aren’t your typical croissants/ bagel you see at donut shops or elsewhere, but these are make at the bakery and these are ginormous sized as well. I think they just serve big portions but we weren’t complaining.





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