Happy Monday friends, hope you all had a great weekend! The weekend finally brought us such great weather and it was such a relief because it wasn’t scorching hot like the past few weekends. Now it feels like Spring…even though it’s officially Autumn now. It was a great time to enjoy the cooler weather and spend time with friends and family. This is another weekend wrap up plus a couple of weekdays. Thursday I went to go meet my friend at Fullerton to a Vietnamese restaurant which I quickly Yelped called Kim Loan Restaurant.

My Shrimp and Rice place was quite plain…and my picture turned out blurry 😕 But you can’t beat the price!

It seemed to have good reviews so we decided to meet there. Then for dessert we stopped by a pretty awesome tea shop called Ten Ren, also in Fullerton. If you guys love authentic tea, then you’ll have to check out California Tea House and get Free Blooming tea on all orders $15 or more!

Friday was bar day as we met our friends “T” and “K’ for some food and drinks at Tustin Brewery. My gosh, it was so packed that night and the parking was full. We ended up parking way in the back side of the shopping center. I enjoy some drinks like this Spicy watermelon drink. I’m usually not a beer drinker but I do enjoy mixed drinks from time to time. I especially sipping on wine because it’s meant to be paired with food and to take it slow. So if you’re a wine lover like myself , then Wine Of The Month is for you and now they’re having a special FREE Wine Accessory with Every Gift Membership!

Mmmm doesn’t this look so good?! The Chili Cheese Burger is the ultimate yummy/messy place if you’re craving a burger + chili.

On Saturday, our friends “E”, “R”, and “K” went a cool hip brewery called Bottle Logic and is located at such an unexpected area. It’s located in Anaheim and is between other business buildings. It may not look like anyone would know about it but trust me, once you arrive, you will see how packed and busy it is. This was my real first Beer Tasting experience. I’ll explain more about this cool joint this week.

After we had a few drinks “K” suggested a yummy BBQ place nearby. We rushed over to Blake’s Place Cafe, Pit-Smoked BBQ and Catering because they were about to close and we only had about an hour to eat. OMG it was so good! I’ll tell you more about it this week 🙂

Sunday morning was a relaxing morning as “G” and I went to run errands, but FIRST, we wanted to get breakfast. We were headed down to Stanton so we decided to eat at Mimi’s Cafe. It was my first time and I really enjoyed it. Look at these cute mini waffles! I wanted to get something that I don’t make at home so I had to get these waffles. But I’m sure many of you like to make your own waffles or pancakes so I wanted to share with you all that you can SAVE 13% on Raspberry Sour Cream Pancake Mix which is the Prepared Pantry’s #1 selling pancake mix!
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that while “G” and I were running errands, he pointed out this! I couldn’t believe there’s such thing as 100% cacao from Ghirardelli! It’s baking bar but I love to snack on this bitter goodness.
Stick around this week and I’ll share my other foodie adventures~
Here’s a list I need to work on! I’m running behind sharing my previous weekend-wrap-up but I’ll try to get to it. 😳
Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffle
OC Auto Show
Matcha Love
Mimi’s Cafe
Kim Loan
Ten Ren
Bottle Logic
Blake’s Place BBQ
Tustin Brewery
And many more I might have missed.
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