Veggiepalooza Vegetable Gardening Plant Event

[caption id="attachment_10892" align="alignnone" width="627"]Beefsteak tomatoes Beefsteak tomatoes at the FULLERTON ARBORETUM Veggiepalooza Vegetable Gardening Plant Event[/caption] Hey everyone, I hope you all had a fun filled weekend. As always it sure flies by. I know on my last post I've mentioned that I'd be going hiking, but there was a Veggiepalooza Vegetable Gardening Plant Event at Cal state Fullerton Arboretum! My friend mentioned it that it would be on the 22nd so "G", our friend and I went. What's the Veggiepalooza you say? It's a multicultural veggie plant sale with over 250 varieties of tomato plants and 190 varieties of pepper plants. Veggiepalooza had several vegetables, fruits, herbs, and companion plants from all over the place and world held at the Fullerton Arboretum. [caption id="attachment_10893" align="alignnone" width="627"]Rock falls Rock falls @ the entrance to the FULLERTON ARBORETUM[/caption] I've never been to the Fullerton Arboretum and was my first time. There are amazing rock falls before you enter the actual Arboretum and what's neat about the place is that there's little signs that describes what species of plants are in the area. There are also info boards that will make you feel like you're at a National Park. [caption id="attachment_10894" align="alignnone" width="627"] Big tree at the FULLERTON ARBORETUM[/caption] "G" and our friend as well as myself had our hands full from the plants we wanted to buy. There's so much different tomato plants, bell peppers, chili peppers, plants, and so much more. [caption id="attachment_10895" align="alignnone" width="627"]Orange stand Orange stand[/caption] People all gathered together to start the spring season with wonderful new plants and were prepared with reusable grocery bags as well as wagons. [caption id="attachment_10896" align="alignnone" width="627"]Flower Flower[/caption] The staff were very knowledgeable about how to care for tomato plants and people gatheed around to pick up a few tips and tricks. [caption id="attachment_10897" align="alignnone" width="627"]Tomato plants Veggiepalooza Vegetable Gardening Plant Event Tomato plants Veggiepalooza Vegetable Gardening Plant Event[/caption] [caption id="attachment_10898" align="alignnone" width="627"]Tomato plants Veggiepalooza Vegetable Gardening Plant Event Tomato plants Veggiepalooza Vegetable Gardening Plant Event[/caption] There are some tomatoes already growing! [caption id="attachment_10899" align="alignnone" width="627"]Plants Plants "G" bought to plant[/caption] It was time to get this guys planted and ready to grow. [caption id="attachment_10900" align="alignnone" width="627"]Flowers Flowers "G" bought for me[/caption] "G" bought we some beautiful flowers for the start of spring. [caption id="attachment_10901" align="alignnone" width="627"]Springtime flower Springtime flower from "G" :)[/caption] I love the mix of the sunflowers and the roses. The pot is really nice and springlike. [caption id="attachment_10902" align="alignnone" width="627"]Cactus plants Cactus plants[/caption] We bought some desert plants as well. Veggiepalooza FULLERTON ARBORETUM Vegetable Gardening Event is located at Fullerton Arboretum 1900 Associated Rd. Fullerton, CA 92831.





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