Woo hoo it’s already Wednesday! We’re halfway through the week. That just reminded me…mark your calendar because it’s almost Valentine’s Day. So I thought it would be fitting to talk about chocolate. Yes, wonderful lovely chocolates that will be mass-produced and sent out to loved ones or secret crushes on that special day. The least you can do is research yummy chocolate and not just the typical heart-shaped chocolate boxes.
Trader Joe’s Takes Flight Dark Chocolate Bars would be an instant favorite to any chocolate lovers, especially adventurous ones since there’s a variety of unique flavors. The dark chocolate pack comes with 7 different flavors like the coffee & cocoa nib, coconut caramel, salt & pepper potato chip, orange hibiscus, black sea salt caramel, chili & cinnamon, and finally the almond ginger.
I tried every one of them but I have to say that I prefer one over the other.
My all time favorite was the coffee and cocoa nib because the coffee lover that I am, I enjoyed the strong taste of the coffee and the crush you get from the cocoa nib is irresistible.
My second favorite was the pepper potato chip. It was nothing like I’ve ever tasted before. I was surprised to be able to really taste the pepper in it and got that crunch from the potato chips. The chips gave it a crunchy texture and gave the bar a perfectly salty, crunchy, and slightly sweet balance.
Both the coconut caramel and black sea salt caramel were my third favorite, but the black sea salt stood out the most. The saltines from the salt went well with the sweet chocolate and caramel. Careful not to break the pieces in half because the caramel will just ooze out. I’m not a big fan of coconut so perhaps that’s why I choose the black sea salt to be my third place, but it’s tasty non the less.
My least favorite was the chili & cinnamon, orange hibiscus, and the almond ginger. The chili added an interesting kick to the chocolate but the cinnamon didn’t go well with it. Don’t get me wrong, I like cinnamon but somehow I didn’t think of this combination as anything striking.
Orange hibiscus had that orange citrus flavor but I didn’t find it that tasty. Lastly, the almond ginger wasn’t that tasty as well. The ginger taste was much more noticeable than the taste of the almond. Perhaps it would’ve been tastier if actual almond pieces were in it.

Have you tried the Trader Joe’s Takes Flight Dark Chocolate Bars yet? If so, which ones are your favorite? Make sure to get these for your Valentine 🙂
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