Tips To Stay Healthy During The Holidays


With the holidays quickly approaching, there are so much tempting treat everywhere you turn. The holidays mean cookie exchange where you have to do the cookie tasting, big portions at parties and family gatherings, wine, beer, mixed drinks, and appetizers. As the weather gets colder and colder, it becomes difficult to hit the gym and eat healthy as hot chocolate sounds good almost every night and you’re just plain busy and tired from all the holiday rush.

During the holidays, it’s also a time to catch up with family, acquaintances, and friends you haven’t spoken to in a while so what ends up happening is that you dig into the bowl of chips and dips while catching up and become mindless eating. I have caught myself from doing that myself so I want to share some Tips To Stay Healthy During The Holidays.

1. I’m guilty of avoiding the gym for almost a month, why? Because it’s cold. The cold is no excuse for you to not go to the gym. I actually started going again and I feel so much better with more energy and gets me warmed up. There are many people working hard and not let the weather stop them from getting into shape.

2. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Sleep deprivation causes moodiness and food cravings so make sure you get a good rest so you can handle the holiday rush.

3. Don’t procrastinate! Do you have to send out many holiday cards and go gift shopping? Don’t wait till the last-minute because you’ll end up getting so stressed out and end up eating unhealthy stuff you see at the mall.

4. Be sure to stay hydrated while drinking wine, beer, and mixed drinks. I always forget to drink water but I know that it’ll prevent the headache and also dry skin.

5. Don’t deprive yourself. If you want that gingerbread cookie or that piece of homemade pie, go for it. The more you resist the most likely you’ll binge on every sweet in sight.

6. Make sure to eat the way you normally do. Be sure to eat breakfast and lunch. So by the time it’s dinner time you won’t scuffle everything down.

7. Be mindful of what you’re eating. Savor each bite and chew slowly.

8. Stick to a small plate and away from the food table. Look at your plate and make sure you have a good balance of every food group if possible and to avoid going for a third plate, stay clear of the food table.

9. Offer to bring a healthy dish to the party such as a veggie or fruit platter, hummus, pretzels, or salsa.

10. Make sure to enjoy the holidays! Treat yourself to a small treat and savor everything on your plate. Also enjoy the time you have with friends and family  🙂

What are your tips to stay healthy during the holidays?
Also another tip I have is to do what you enjoy. I enjoy making YouTube vids like the one below. Check it out!






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