Tag: Healthy

  • Best food to eat after a workout

    After a workout, your muscles need protein to repair the muscles you used. Its best to consume something within 30 mins of working out. Here are a list of foods thats beneficial to help repair muscles and replenish lost minerals: Eggs Cooconut water Banana Chicken breast Chia seeds: They are high in protein and omega…

  • Chop Teriyaki

    Chop Teriyaki is located at 2731 W. Edinger Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92704.

  • Hawaiian-Japanese Fusion Restaurant- Island Grill

    Hawaiian-Japanese Fusion Restaurant- Island Grill

    Hey all, have you ever tried Hawaiian/Japanese food before? If you haven’t you gotta try Island Grill! It’s so delicious, simple, flavorful and healthy. They fuse Hawaiian and Japanese together to make an awesome dish. This place doesn’t really stand out if you were to drive past it but make sure you go to this…