Sunday, ‎June ‎02, ‎2013 Homemade Chili for Dinner

Located at my bf’s home 🙂
It wasn’t until I met him have I really enjoyed chili. I don’t think I really had it much before, but after we started making it for our weekend dinner, I started to crave for it. The smell of the spice and seasoning just makes my mouth drool and thinking about the sauerkraut, cheese, and onion topped on the chili also makes me drool.

Krusteaz cornbread
Krusteaz cornbread
Krusteaz cornbread
Krusteaz cornbread

Corn bread and chili

Six Gun, Mix Chili, 4-Ounce
Six Gun, Mix Chili, 4-Ounce


Krusteaz Honey Cornbread
Krusteaz Honey Cornbread
Six Gun Chili Mixin's
Six Gun Chili Mixin’s





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