What I Ate Wednesday: Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil And It’s Christmas Eve!

Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil
Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil

Hi friends! Welcome to another What I Ate Wednesday. It was nice sleeping in once again but my internal clock always wakes me up which is usually around 8 ish. Once I’m up, I’m up so I made myself some coffee and breakfast.

Breakfast with eggs, toast, bananas, and apples
Breakfast with eggs, toast, bananas, and apples

For breakfast, I used the Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil to make some scrambled eggs. I just love using it because it smells so good and this oil is so much healthier for you such as benefits like brain health, increases energy expenditure to help burn more fat, kills viruses, bacteria and fungi, and suppresses hunger. I never liked coconut but now I’m beginning to love it.

[caption id="attachment_17498" align="alignnone" width="600"]Lunch: Salad with kale, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, hard boiled eggs, and chicken Lunch: Salad with kale, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, hard boiled eggs, and chicken[/caption] Lunch time quickly rolled around so I assembled a quick bite. I just tossed the Super Salad Mix from Costco which has kale, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, and dried cranberries into a bowl and topped it with a hard boiled egg and chicken. Hmm, healthy and so yummy! I really enjoyed the pumpkin seeds and the dried cranberries. [caption id="attachment_17502" align="alignnone" width="600"]Fronk's Place: Half Salad and Half Bowl of chili Fronk's Place: Half Salad and Half Bowl of chili[/caption] For dinner, "G" and I went out to a joint that's pretty popular called Fronk's Place. Stay tuned for a more detailed  review, hopefully tomorrow 🙂 They're known for being an awesome burger joint but I wasn't feeling like burger tonight so I ordered a half bowl of chili and a blue cheese salad. [caption id="attachment_17493" align="alignnone" width="600"]White Wine White Wine[/caption] OMG we showed up just in time for their happy hour which runs from 3 to 6! We arrived around 5 so we got so lucky. For some reason I thought it was Saturday, then I realized it's a Wednesday and that's why they had a happy hour. I ordered a white wine and also a red wine, in that order. [caption id="attachment_17494" align="alignnone" width="600"]Fronk's Place Fried Zucchini Fronk's Place Fried Zucchini[/caption] Originally, we wanted to order a 6 piece Fried Zucchini, but good thing we didn't because look at how big these pieces are! [caption id="attachment_17495" align="alignnone" width="600"]Fronk's Bacon Cheddar Fries Fronk's Bacon Cheddar Fries[/caption] These Fronk's Bacon Cheddar Fries are massive! My gosh. [caption id="attachment_17504" align="alignnone" width="600"]Ferrero-Rocher Ferrero-Rocher[/caption] I was too full for dessert but I had two pieces of the Ferro Rocher. Just a perfect way to end the night. Merry Christmas Eve friends =) style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9058365988672761" data-ad-slot="1606780130">



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