Seattle Washington: Place For Good Eats and Adventures – Day 1 Part 1

Hello all! Here’s a quick post about my adventures in Seattle Washington! I’ve never been here so I was SUPER excited to tour the city on my own.

I can’t believe I went to Seattle on Monday and now I’m back and it’s already Friday! But…let’s talk about my trip to Seattle WA. I woke up in the break of dawn to take my flight to Seattle Washington. Once I landed, I knew I had to get my rental car and head over to the Pike Market Place. I was not going to waste time to make the best of my stay in Seattle!
When I landed, the weather looked good, sun shining through, patches of gray clouds, and warm. People here were dressed like Southern Cali weather so it didn’t seem that much different. What WAS different was the humidity here! Ugh, I did not like that.

Seattle Washington offers so much food, crafts, interesting people, sight seeing, and just so much to do. When you walk in to the market place, you will see many fresh produce stand which will draw you in and then you’ll just end up checking out all the corners of the store. Follow the sidewalk as you take a stroll through the area checking out the pastry stand, deli’s, winery, restaurants, flower shops, and ice cream shops and see what grabs your attention.

There were so many interesting produce I’ve never seem before like the Italian Broccoli, wild mushrooms, and other weirdly shaped veggies. It drew me in so I took plenty of pictures of it.

There’s even a stall to buy bouquet of flowers for yourself or for that special someone. I saw a lot of people purchasing it and carrying it around.

Also while your taking a stroll through the marketplace, you’ll get samples to try out.

They don’t call the Pike a Marketplace for nothing! Not only are there fresh produce but also many different ethnic foods.

Seafood lovers unite as Seattle Washington is the center for dishing up seafood and providing fresh caught crabs, salmon, shrimp, clams, and many others.

There’s also plenty of meats for the meat lovers out there. It’s not difficult to find a deli to get deli cut meat and deli sandwiches.

There were so much that I saw and did so I’ll break it down by the day, and by parts so it’s easier to follow ๐
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