Santiago Canyon Hike 2nd Time Around

Rock steps
Rock steps

Hey friends! Over the weekend, we went to the Santiago Canyon hiking trails as it’s been a while since we were here. Last year was a great hike for viewing animals like gophers, deer,s birds, lizards, and others but this year we didn’t see deers. Instead we saw a bunny at the entrance, lizards, and bugs and beautiful flowers. We started at around 8:30 and finished at 11:30am. There were some trails that were easy and a few that really kicked our butts. Training right now is important since the Yellowstone trip is only in a few more days!!


For breakfast, I had coffee with the Mexican Pastries we got from the Ranch Market.


Aww look at the cute bunny we saw before we started the hike!

Cacti flower
Cacti flower

Isn’t this cacti flower pretty? It’s so yellow and vibrant. It’s definitely looking like spring.

Flower going between cacti plants
Flower going between cacti plants

This yellow flower was like a vine growing between the cactus.

Spiky fruit?
Spiky fruit?

I wasn’t sure what this spiky “fruit” is. It looks like a mutated kiwi doesn’t it?

Spiky fruit?
Spiky fruit?

Here’s a close up….Do you guys happen to know what it is?

Santiago Creek stream
Santiago Creek stream

There was actually water in the creek! Even after the crazy hot weather we’ve been having.

Water flow
Water flow
Concrete bridge
Concrete bridge

The Oak trails was a moderate trail and then we looped around the grass hopper trail which was simple. We tried to visit the visitors center but they were closed on Sundays. The highlight of the hike was the strenuous hike and reaching the top of the trail.

Watch out for poison oak
Watch out for poison oak
Rocky Trail
Rocky Trail
Windes Nature Trail
Windes Nature Trail
Beautiful view
Beautiful view
Beautiful view
Beautiful view
Bird house near the Nature Center
Bird house near the Nature Center
Santiago Oaks Nature Center
Santiago Oaks Nature Center
Trail info
Trail info
Turkey Sandwich
Turkey Sandwich






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