Quick make ahead breakfast sandwich

Freezable Breakfast Burritos
Freezable Breakfast Burritos

I’m pretty sure a lot of people don’t have the time to have breakfast in the morning. There are quick options like grabbing a piece of fruit or a granola bar. BUT there are choices! That’s why I give you the “Quick breakfast sandwich”.


Yields 4 sandwiches Any sandwich bread (I used the homemade potato bread)

4 oz any kind of cheese (I used monterey  jack cheese

8 eggs

1 tbs sesame oil.

Directions: Toast bread in toaster with the cheese and toast until desired brownness. Meanwhile, crack eggs into a bowl and mix. Then add 1 tbs sesame oil in pan and add eggs. Cook eggs in med-low heat. Once cooked, assemble sandwich. You can even make this the night before and wrap it in foil. Then toast it up in the morning and it’s ready to eat!
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Nutella also makes a quick tasty breakfast. I just LOVE this spread more than I love peanut butter.
Nutella and toast- There's always a quick breakfast
Nutella and toast- There’s always a quick breakfast





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