Product Review: Black Water Called BLK Water

BLK Water
BLK Water

BLK Water is the next water craze. I was very skeptical when I first heard about it but then a friend of mine tried it and said he noticed a little difference.

BLK Water
BLK Water

What is BLK Water?

It is “blk is premium fulvic-enhanced, all-natural mineral water”. blk is what happens when fulvic trace minerals are added to pure water. blk is powerful electrolytes and a high pH. blk is serious hydration. blk is a delicious beverage without any sugar, carbs or calories. blk is here and it will defy your expectations“.

What does alkaline mean?

Alkaline is the opposite of acidic. pH is a measurement of how acidic or alkaline something is. The pH scale goes from 0-14 with 0 being the most acidic. Our blood needs to remain at a certain pH to maintain optimal health. That pH is slightly alkaline and right around 7.35.

Why is pH balance important?

Much of the food we enjoy eating are acid-forming: meat, processed foods, soft drinks, sugary snacks, many fruit juices and even milk is acidic. But the body needs to be slightly alkaline so we need to help maintain that balance with alkaline-forming food and drinks. A body in proper pH balance is a healthier body.





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