Orange County has many different hiking trails around the area. There are trails called Black Star Canyon (which I always go to), Santiago Canyon Trail, Laguna Coast Trail, and this trail called the Peter’s Canyon Trail. Be sure to get here early because even at around 8:30 the parking lot is filled with hikers, dog walkers, families, couples, and much more. There’s a parking fee of $3 and the trails are closed when the sun sets.

If you’re looking for a nice walk, hike, or run, this is perfect for any fitness level. There are many bikers here so make sure you keep a look out for that. There are certain areas that’s off limits due to conserving plant life as well as animals. Trails begin really flat and simple but there are a couple of big hills that you’ll need proper training for.

I’ve seen bikers and runners going straight up this hill! (what “G” and I named Cardiac Hill! Once you start the path you will feel the burn! But at the top you get a nice overview of the area so it’s worth it.

Southern California has been dealing with a serious drought and you can tell that the lake is just bone dry. It was only few weeks ago that there were a lot more water in the lake but with no rainfall, the late is really affected.
[caption id="attachment_13606" align="alignnone" width="627"] Peter's Canyon Lake[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_13607" align="alignnone" width="627"]
Peters Canyon Reservoir[/caption]
There's even an informational sign where you learn about the drought of Peter's Canyon.
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The trails are very dry and you don't see a lot of greens. The only green that you mostly see are around the houses in the area.
[caption id="attachment_13604" align="alignnone" width="627"]
Dry trail[/caption]
Want to hit the trails? Be sure to find out what to take hiking before you go on your next hiking adventures!
Peter's Canyon Trail is located 8548 Peters Canyon Trail, North Tustin, CA 92705
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