Cool Products: Peres Product- World’s First Electronic Nose For Food Safety


If you’re like me, you are concerned about the safety of the food you buy from the market or the food you are about to eat from your own home. People are prone to food poisoning simply because food may not be fresh and sometimes you just can’t tell. I remember when I was drinking almond milk and it tasted a bit sour. I didn’t think of it as anything because the expiration was much later. After a few servings I came to realize that it was sour and was bad even though it didn’t pass the expiration date.

To ensure that your food is healthy and that you only consume the best quality, PERES product is the perfect way to make that happen. This cool gadget can be used on food products that’s been bought to make sure they are still safe to consume which reduces food waste and foodborne illnesses.

To put it simply, this PERES Product is the world’s first portable “electronic nose” which is able to determine the quality of your food that you are about to consume and ensures the freshness of it. It’s innovative design is able to detect how fresh your food product is, whether it’s hazardous to your health, if there’s a risk of food poisoning, and if food has been left unrefrigerated for some time.This product has four types of sensors which senses temperature, humidity, ammonia and volatile organic compounds sensors.

If you wonder how fresh that meat, poultry, or fish you are about to buy at the supermarket, simply use the Peres and direct it towards the food product with a click of a button. In turn this will reduce the risk of food poisoning. This product is not on but you can get it from their site.


This device is perfect for anyone and those who especially are concerned about the safely and quality of food for your health and well-being.

It is compatible with Android and iOS as the device uses Bluetooth technology for you to be able to transmit data to the smart phone or tablet.

Android and iOS Compatible
Android and iOS Compatible

Have you heard about this product? Do you think you will try this to determine the safety of your food?





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