Outrageous Fast Food Items

Taco Bell & Carl’s Jr & Pizza Hut & Dunkin Donuts, Wendy’s, KFC, Oh My! These fast food joints are serving up Outrageous Fast Food Items.
Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco comes with scrambled eggs, sausage, and a side of syrup. With all those ingredients, can you guess how many calories are in Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco? It has 460 calories and 30 grams of fat and is their new breakfast item. Taco Bell is testing out this menu by offering it in about 100 more locations like Fresno, California, Omaha, Nebraska, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. I think I’d rather make my own waffles and stuff it with eggs and turkey ham and bacon rather than sausage since I’m not a big fan of it. Would you try Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco?

Taco Bell Waffle Taco
Taco Bell Waffle Taco

Taco Bell’s Doritos Locos Taco has 200 calories with 12 grams of fat and guess what? It contains allergens like Gluten, MSG, Milk, Soybean, and Wheat and I’m very sensitive to MSG because I end up getting a migraine! I will admit it but I did try it out once to see what the fuss was about and it wasn’t anything great. I could have just ordered a plain taco and bought a bag of Doritos and stuffed the taco with it. Now Taco Bell came out with the Cool Ranch Taco and Frito’s Beefy Crunch Burrito.

Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco
Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco
Taco Bell Cool Ranch Taco
Taco Bell Cool Ranch Taco
Frito's Taco Bell Beefy Crunch Burrito
Frito’s Taco Bell Beefy Crunch Burrito

Carl’s Jr Pop Tart Ice Cream Sandwich is like a childhood dream meal a kid would make after unwrapping the silver wrap for the Pop Tart and then adding a scoop of ice cream in between. I’m not sure if any parents would allow to have their kid to try this, I know I wouldn’t if I did. So how many calories are in Carl’s Jr Pop Tart Ice Cream Sandwich? It’s a whopping 320 calories with 100 grams of fat! I grew up loving Pop Tarts and I like to treat myself every once in a while so after hearing about this I had to get more info about it. For a $1.49, you can grab yourself a Pop Tart ice cream sandwich, or you could just buy a tub of vanilla ice cream and your choice of Pop Tart flavors and create your own and have much leftovers to make seconds! Perhaps even thirds but I wouldn’t advise to eat it all in one day. If you’re wondering if the Carl’s Jr’s offers this item, you can find out here.

Carl's Jr Pop tart Ice Cream
Carl’s Jr Pop tart Ice Cream

Pizza Hut’s Kit Kat Pops is unfortunately only available in the Middle East, but don’t you wonder what it’s made of other than Kit Kat? It’s basically just Kit Kat bites that was wrapped in pizza dough and then baked into sweet candy pizza pops. I think this is a great idea to have at the OC Fair or even the LA County Fair which is just around the corner! Would you try this or try making it on your own? I think I would try making it on my own.

Kit-Kat Pops
Kit-Kat Pops

Dunkin Donut’s Donut Sandwich is something you’d find at a fair because it’s so unhealthy! So how many calories are in Dunkin Donut’s Donut Sandwich which is a glazed donut sandwich with bacon slices, pepper fried eggs, which is then sandwiched by a glazed sandwich “bun”? It weighs in at only 360 calories with 20 grams of fat which is really surprising to me. I expected it to be 500+ calories because I get diabetes just by looking at it. I’ve never tried it but I did hear about it first at the fair. Have you tried this heart attack breakfast yet?

Dunkin Donut Donut Sandwich

Dunkin Donut Donut Sandwich

Wendy’s Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger  had decided to join the pretzel trend and introduce their burgers made of pretzel buns. I love pretzels and when I saw the commercial for this, I had to look into it. How many calories are in Wendy’s Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger? It has 680 calories and to make you feel better, it has 37 grams of protein for those lean muscles. It’s a cheeseburger with melted cheddar cheese, applewood smoked bacon, smothered with sweet & smoky honey mustard sauce, served on a warm pretzel bun. Have you tried it yet?

Wendy's Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger
Wendy’s Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger

Sonic’s Peanut Butter & Bacon Shake is how much calories? Take a wild guess. Give up? It’s a grand total of 1,720 calories! It’s made of Real Ice Cream mixed with rich peanut butter and real bacon into a thick and creamy shake, finished with whipped topping and a cherry. I love bacon but I can’t imagine it in a milkshake.

Sonic's Peanut Butter & Bacon Shake
Sonic’s Peanut Butter & Bacon Shake

KFC’s Double Down is made of bacon, two different kinds of melted cheese and the Colonel’s secret sauce on the chicken fillets. So can you guess how much calories are in KFC’s Double Down? It’s surprisingly only 600 calories. I expected it to be much more considering that the buns are made of huge deep-fried chicken breast.

KFC's Double Down
KFC’s Double Down

What will these fast food think of next. Can you think of other Outrageous Fast Food Items?





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