Orange County Fair 2013 is located at 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California 92626.
There’s only one week left for the Orange County Fair 2013 so my bf and I decided to go. We got so lucky that a guy standing in the parking lot got us a great parking spot AND was selling tickets for only $5! We were skeptical at first but the tickets looked legit. We made our way in and checked out the farm and the produce area. I had so much fun and was amused by how the produce looked at different stages of their growth. I had no idea that onions pops out from the ground when its ready to be pulled out. I’ve never seen carrots so tiny that I to take a picture of that. The pumpkins were ginormous and would’ve been perfect for carving a jack-o-lantern, but I doubt those will last until then. There were a lot of interesting vegetables that looked like squashes, but were hanging from their stems.

There were a of new things on display at the fair this year like the organic produce store where you could buy produce grown at the fair. California Rare Fruit Growers which has a display of exotic fruits was new this year and had more info about the company. There were a display of interesting looking plants and flowers and what caught my eyes was a bamboo looking plant with the Hawaiian flower at the tip!

Familiar exhibits were there like the cattle and goat petting zoo, the incredible big horse, the giant alligator, the white mountain giant steer, carnival rides, games, food stands, and many more except the ice carving exhibit wasn’t here this year.

After all the walking we were hungry for some grub. We couldn’t decide where to go eat, the Outlaw Burgers or Juicys burgers, curley fries, and sausage stand. We go to Outlaw Burgers every year so we went to the Juicys burgers, curley fries, and sausage stand and ordered the #7 combo which is the chili cheese hotdog and waffle fries. There were so much chili and cheese so we used that for our fries. The hotdog was really messy!

Now it was time for dessert and the sweets stand was right next to the hotdog stand. We just got the soft serve cone because you just can’t go wrong with that. The stand also had deep fried Oreos, red velvet cheese cake, Twinkies, and snickers.

Did you go to the Orange County Fair 2013? If so, did you try anything out of the ordinary like frog leg and anything deep-fried?
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