Ondal is located in 9240 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove Ca.
I was referred to Ondal restaurant after my friend had asked if I liked crab soup. I told her I did and she told me how she wanted to try it out and how the place is know for their crab soup. Knowing me, I love looking up the reviews of a restaurant on Yelp and checking out the pictures before I go there. The crab soup looked amazing as well as everything else.

The restaurant was not busy when we got there but eventually a lot more people showed up. My friend and I both agreed to order the crab soup which was about $50+ for two crabs. We thought why come here and not order what they’re known for. We didn’t hesitate to order the milk crab soup. My bf ordered the beef and mushroom soup.

Like many Korean restaurants, banchan which are side dishes were served. As we noshed on the banchan, the waiter brought over a stove and then a bowl with the crab soup. As the bowl was boiling, he grabbed the scissors to cut open the crab. Once completed, he served my friend and I the soup.

It was a good experience and I will definitely go back. Perhaps the one in LA since my friend had told me she preferred that one!
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