Montana Pizza Joint KBAR

During our Yellowstone trip in September, we stopped by our favorite Montana Pizza Joint called KBAR. Now that I think about it, they may be the only pizza joint there? This is our 3rd year here and we keep coming back because the pizza is great and beer is good too. We can look past the slow and not so great service because the food makes up for it, but that’s expected in a small town like Gardiner. There’s typically just 1 hostess, 1 pizza maker, and 1 other staff taker orders.

KBAR Salad
KBAR Salad

It’s difficult to get greens in your meal during vacation so I had to order this small salad. The mixed green was quite delicious as I’ve only been eating fig bars and other random snacks while on the road and the hiking trails. I really love the balsamic vinaigrette. The sour taste wakes you up, that’s for sure.

Montana Veggie Pizza
KBar Veggie Pizza

Luckily, there are healthy options here at KBAR. This delicious Veggie pizza is exactly what we needed. It’s topped with Tomatoes, Onions, Green Peppers, Mushrooms and Black Olives where the crust is crispy and thin. It was a healthy addition for the main course, but this wasn’t our only main course…after all, we needed something more high in calorie because of the hiking and all day activity.

Montana Pizza Fireman's Supreme - Sausage - Jalapenos - Sauerkraut
Fireman’s Supreme – Sausage – Jalapenos – Sauerkraut

That is why we ordered the Fireman’s Supreme which is topped with Sausage, Yellow pepper, Jalapeno and Sauerkraut! Each slice was so gigantic I had to cut the slice in half. There was so much melted cheese and delicious topping that I had to use a fork. If you enjoy spicy food, be sure to order this pizza. You’ll see why it’s called the Fireman’s supreme.

Missouri license plate
Missouri license plate

Here are some cool license plate pictures I took while we were waiting for our food.

Texas license place
Texas license place

There were many other license plates around the restaurant. I wonder how they get these. Do they pick it up from the surrounding area where the tourists drop it? Either way, it’s a cool touch to the walls.

K Bar Pizza is located at 202 Main Gardiner, MT 59030.






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