Weekend Eats: Saturday Edition- Lees Breakfast Sandwich, Tacos, And Grilling!

Lees Breakfast Sandwich
Lees Breakfast Sandwich

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Finally the weekend weather was being nice to us with bearable weather in the 70s- 80s. It was so unbearable on Friday as “G” and I were basically melting! But luckily the backyard is nice and breezy because of the trees giving off the shade.
Fresh oranges
Fresh oranges

Fresh orange juice
Fresh orange juice

We were hungry for breakfast so we went to go get Lees Breakfast Sandwich. I always order the Lees Sandwich Breakfast Sandwich with eggs, bacon and cheese. Yuuum! “G” gets the Croissant Breakfast sandwich.

Carnitas Tacos
Carnitas Tacos

Our refrigerator was looking quite sad since there were no fruits and veggies so we were on a mission to visit the market to pick up some product. We went to the Ranch Market and saw some good deals on fruits and veggies. Strawberries were decently priced, two 1lb containers for $5 so we just got one. Spinach was okay as well and wanted to get some to steam it on the grill. Then we the market fresh tostada, then we got some bell peppers as well.

Carnitas Tacos, Horchata drink, and Strawberry drink
Carnitas Tacos, Horchata drink, and Strawberry drink

Omg you won’t believe how much the combo meal was at the market’s deli! For only $2.99, you get two tacos with your choice of meat and a soft drink. The ladies that were working at the deli really packed the tacos with meat. I was debating whether or not I wanted horchata or the strawberry drink but I ended up getting strawberry since I’ve never tried it. It tasted like those Mexican strawberry ice cream pops! It was delicious.

Carnitas Tacos
Carnitas Tacos
Steak, grilled bell peppers, mashed potatoes
Steak, grilled bell peppers, mashed potatoes

BBQ ribs were on the dinner menu for tonight but we totally forgot to thaw it out so we had to improvise. Luckily we had just bought steaks so we just sprinkled some seasoning and got the grill set up ready to go. We also grilled some bell peppers, foiled up some spinach with butter and tossed it on the top rack of the grill, and made mashed potatoes.

Grilled steak
Grilled steak

Hope you all have a great week!



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