Product Reviews: Get Your Chocolate Fix With Kirkland Chocolate Muffins

Kirkland Chocolate Muffins. Photo: Foodwanderer
Kirkland Chocolate Muffins. Photo: Foodwanderer

Banana Coffee Cake
Kirkland Chocolate Muffins makes the perfect breakfast if you want that quick sugar rush for the rush hour morning. Also, it’s great to bring for a meeting or a big gathering. Who wouldn’t like this chocolate infused muffin goodness. Even a non-chocolate fan will be tempted to try this.
I had mine with dark coffee since the bitterness of the coffee counters with the extra sweetness of the muffin.

Calories in Kirkland Chocolate Muffins? Beware at the calorie content. It’s a whopping 692 calories but the tastiness and the scrumptiously chocolaty goodness of it was worth it! Get yours at Costco today!

Here are more pictures of the muffin with different camera modes. I was having too much fun with my camera app 🙂

Kirkland Chocolate Muffins. Photo: Foodwanderer
Kirkland Chocolate Muffins. Photo: Foodwanderer

Costco should be giving out samples of their baked goods so people know if they make it or not. It’ll be a waste to buy something in such a huge bulk and not like it!

Kirkland Chocolate Muffins. Photo: Foodwanderer
Kirkland Chocolate Muffins. Photo: Foodwanderer New
Have you tried Costco’s Chocolate Muffins or any of their other baked goods? If so, which ones are your favorite?
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