K BAR PIZZA is located at 202 Main St Gardiner, MT 59030.
My bf, his friends, and I were hungry after a full day of hiking and scenery watching in Yellowstone National Park. We stayed at in cute little town called Gardiner which is the North Entrance to the park. We walked around the town to see what was opened. Pizza sounded good to us so we tried KBAR Pizza a try. As we walked in, no one helped us to our seat nor told us we had to order at the counter. It was interesting to see how different it is from SoCal. Montana and Wyoming is so slow paced because no one is in a rush to get anywhere and even the food service is quite slow.
Many minutes has passed until we got out food, but no one was complaining. During the wait, my bf and I just talked about our day in the park while his friends went to the arcade room next door. We finally got our order and chowed down the pizza which was sure worth the wait.

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