Shopping in Jacksonhole Wyoming- Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Company

Black teddy bear
Black teddy bear

May 31, 2014
After driving for 16 hours on the road we finally made it to town! But we had to spend some time out and about before it was our time to check in to the hotel. There was a shopping center we’ve never been into so we stopped to check it out. Our friend had a really bad flu so he went to the medical center at the plaza to get some antibiotics while “G” and I roamed around a supermarket called Smith’s where we saw some really rare fruits! I had “G” take pictures of it so I’ll share that in a separate post. After that we checked out the Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Company store.

Huckleberry syrup and spreads
Huckleberry syrup and spreads

Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Company is a tiny store in the shopping center and I was excited to checking it out! I’m always looking out for new places because I love to see all the souvenir items, mugs (I LOVE mugs), traditional arts and crafts,and other products that just shows you the culture of the town.

They even have an online store where you can order a gift packs which includes the ARTISAN BUFFALO SAMPLER JACKSON HOLE FAMILY PACKTETON SUNRISE, and THE GRAND just to name a few. You’re not limited to only just meat but there’s also candy and desserts like APPLE BERRY CRISPCOWBOY CHOCOLATE BARWILD HUCKLEBERRY SALTWATER TAFFY, and HUCKLEBERRY CHOCOLATE BONBONS.

Funny coffee name
Funny coffee name

I just had to take a picture of this coffee product because I knew some might get a kick out of this! I sure won’t be able to take this amount of caffeine. The “extra strong coffee” explanation scares me…

Jackson Hole Sweets
Jackson Hole Sweets

Looks at all these treats! Wyoming is known for their huckleberry fruit so you can see why they have lots of huckleberry chocolate and jams. Be sure to check their online site because there are so much huckleberry treats you can choose from.

Beach stone tiles
Beach stone tiles

Some cool coasters I saw which is perfect for the ranch life.

BBQ sauce
BBQ sauce

There’s always good BBQ sauce selections in Wyoming. Unique ones you don’t find at the markets in Southern California.

Local items
Local items

I just love how the store had products from The Bunnery and Cowboy Coffee shop which are the small shops back in town. It’s awesome to see small businesses helping each other out.

Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Company
Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Company

The man working there was so nice to provide us some samples of jerky. We tried the buffalo jerky which I really enjoyed. It tasted like regular beef jerky to me so I really liked it and it had a really yummy smoked flavor. I was surprised they even had Elk jerky stick. It was my first time trying it but I thought it was just okay. Perhaps it was too bland. I prefer the buffalo jerky though. “G” liked it so much he bought the buffalo and elk jerky.

Muddy stream
Muddy stream

I even went to another shop right next door which had lots of pretty dresses, jewelry, hats, and beauty products. There was this beautiful black hat that just caught my attention and after I tried it on I just had to get it. I don’t have a picture of it now but when I get the chance I’ll show you all =)

Muddy stream
Muddy stream

So after checking out the stores “G” and I discovered that behind the shopping center was a river and it was muddy and the current was pretty strong. It was nice to see so much water running through the stream unlike SoCal where we’re having a major drought. As we were watching the stream go by, we felt something crawling up our legs. There were so much giant black ants! “G” was bitten by some and that’s how he noticed. Stomping the floor helped get those annoying things of our feet and legs.

Another cool thing I found about the shopping center was that it has housing right on top of it! I looked up there and was envious! I wish I could live there and wake up to the sound of the river flow, birds chirping, and the stores getting ready to open. Siiiigh.
Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Company is located at 1325 U.S. 89, Jackson, WY, 83001.





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