I read something interesting in my management text – Monday June 28, 2010

I’ve always wondered what happened to all waste from the garbage collectors. Of course I knew that they were taken to the landfill but I just didn’t understand how it could work. I imagined the garbage collectors collecting tons of trash daily and just dump it into the landfill for who knows how long. Well while reading my management book I came across how landfills are managed. Big holes are dug where decomposable trashed are dumped into and then many layers of soil is then used to cover it up. Once it’s covered management makes sure that the toxins in the waste is not leaking to the drainage system and is hazardous to the environment. After that’s settled, the place that was once a landfill is donated to the community and city to use for creating recreational facilities such as parks. Landfill is actually a business and generate revenues by collecting gasses resulting from the decomposing wastes and then sell it gas companies. Who knew! Now that I think about it I wonder if all of our parks were once landfills and even though landfills are tested for health safety, I wonder if it’s truly safe.






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