If You Love Garlic Then You’ll Love Garlic Scapes Food Truck

Garlic Scapes
Garlic Scapes

Garlic Scapes Food Truck makes its round in the OC area so if you happen to see one, I definitely suggest you try it out. Their grilled cheese is to beg for. It’s a heartattack sandwhich because it’s so rich in many different cheeses and then it’s grilled with cheese covering the toast.

You can taste a little bit of the garlic though I wish it had a lot more. But they probably did us a favor by not having too much of it because then you’ll have garlic breath for the rest of the day. But on the good side, you can ward off vampires!

Grilled patty melt had crispy grilled cheese on the outside and melted cheese on the inside
Grilled patty melt
Grilled patty melt
Grilled patty melt


What other food trucks have you tried?





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