French’s Pastry: Not Sure If They’re French But You Will Find Delicious Pastries

Strawberry pinwheel
Strawberry pinwheel

French’s Pastry

French's Apple Pinwheel
French’s Apple Pinwheel in the center between the chips and quiche.
French's Pastry
French’s Pastry

French’s Pastry is located at 14443 Culver Drive Unit C,Irvine, CA as well as many other locations. I got a piece of the massive Strawberry Wagon Wheel danish and it was more than enough. The danish is topped with a layer of cheesy tasting sweet cream cheese and strawberries which are glazed and sweet. They not only have strawberry topping, but also raspberry, pineapple, chocolate, double cream cheese (YUM!), and much much more! You can call your local French’s Pastry to see their specific section of toppings for the Wagon Wheel Danish.

French’s Pastry also offer pies, breakfast muffins, cupcakes, wedding cakes, bread loaves, and much more for those special occasions. You can also buy individual items like their butter croissant which are filled with cream cheese, apple turnovers, bear claw, chocolate chip cream cheese danish, Boysenberry cream cheese coffee cakes, and raisin scones. You can browse through their site for more items on their menu and what they have to offer.

Unfortunately, home made sandwich are only available in Costa Mesa, CA locations only.





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