Weekend Wrap Up: Happy September! Good Eats And More!

Colorful nails for the weekend
Colorful nails for the weekend

Hi guys can you believe it’s already September! It’s better late then never so happy September. This weekend was great. When isn’t the weekend great right? To get ready for the weekend I decided to be bright and colorful so I added some nail gems just on my thumb nails.

Mable oatmeal with bananas and waffle crisp
Mable oatmeal with bananas and waffle crisp

I sure love breakfast don’t you? I enjoyed delicious eats for breakfast like the Mable Oatmeal with bananas and Korean Waffle Crisps.
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Coffee, egg, peanut butter and banana toast
Coffee, egg, peanut butter and banana toast

When I went to go to World Market last week I bought an egg holder so I decided to hard boil some eggs to have to breakfast. I just love my egg holder!

[caption id="attachment_15935" align="alignnone" width="600"]Chicken Scampi Chicken Scampi[/caption] On Friday "G" and I went to an Italian/ Mexican eats at a place in Costa Mesa CA and got Tapioca Express for dessert. We sat outside for dinner since the restaurant had a nice patio and the weather was still quite warm. [caption id="attachment_15931" align="alignnone" width="600"]Coffee and dark chocolate Coffee and dark chocolate[/caption] Then few minutes later it got a bit cold so I ordered a warm Cappuccino from Tapioca Express and I had my Ghirardeli dark chocolate handy from my purse.

  [caption id="attachment_16000" align="alignnone" width="600"]Ritter sport chocolate Ritter sport chocolate[/caption] Saturday night was game night and decided to grill up some sausages for dinner. We stopped by Old World German Village hidden in Huntington Beach CA to get some authentic German sausages. "G" bought Polish sausages and some spicy German ones while I was busy getting lost from all the German chocolates there! Yum, they had Ritter Sport Erdbeer Joghurt chocolate. I would assume that's translated to strawberry yogurt chocolate. [caption id="attachment_16001" align="alignnone" width="600"]Godiva Chocolate Liqueur Godiva Chocolate Liqueur[/caption] Then we stopped by Total Wine to pick up some Ginger Beer since our friend "E" wanted to make Sangria for the girls. But we later learned it wasn't even beer. It was Ginger Brew...how deceiving, but next time I need to pay closer attention to the label name. I bought a cute mini Godiva Chocolate Liqueur! I was so excited to see many other small bottles like Kahula, Bailey's, and this other chocolate liqueur from Spain.
[caption id="attachment_15982" align="alignnone" width="600"]Jalapeno cheese dip Jalapeno cheese dip[/caption] Our friend "K" usually makes awesome dishes and this night she made her Jalapeno cheese dip which paired awesomely with the Frito's Scoop chips. The top of the dip was crumbled Rits crackers which was perfectly baked to golden brown, the insides were cheese with Parmesan and cream cheese I believe, and with bits and pieces of jalapenos. [caption id="attachment_15984" align="alignnone" width="600"]Coleslaw, bean salad, hot dog buns, chips, mustard, and salsa. Coleslaw, bean salad, hot dog buns, chips, mustard, and salsa.[/caption] Here were all the yummy works for our hot dogs and side dishes. There were many mustard options and the Wasabi Mustard caught my attention. I'm not a fan of wasabi but I just had to try it. And guess what, it was that dang good. You didn't get too much of the wasabi flavor so it wasn't over whelming. [caption id="attachment_16003" align="alignnone" width="600"]Melon sangria!! Melon sangria!![/caption] Tada, here's the Melon Sangria my friend "E" made! She added Shutter House Wine, different assorted melon, and ginger beer (err... I mean brew). The best part was the melon as it soaked up the wine!
Lets see, my week and weekend was full of sweets. I really should cut down but I just love chocolate  🙂 What's a girl to do? Avoid it? HAH yeah right. [caption id="attachment_15961" align="alignnone" width="600"]Heart shaped chocolate filled with peanut butter Heart shaped chocolate filled with peanut butter[/caption] I couldn't resist this cute heart-shaped milk chocolate. I usually opt for dark chocolate but I had to try this one and I'm glad I did. It was filled with silky peanut butter cream. [caption id="attachment_15941" align="alignnone" width="600"]Easter M & M's Easter M & M's[/caption] I had Easter M & M's lingering around so I had some. I love the pastel colors on it. [caption id="attachment_15988" align="alignnone" width="600"]Don't Go Nuts Xtreme Brownie with White Chocolate Tracks Don't Go Nuts Xtreme Brownie with White Chocolate Tracks[/caption] I tried a new granola bar which is called "Don't Go Nuts"! Such a clever name for a nutrition bar without nuts. Free Shipping on all Gift Baskets!
Don't think the week and weekend was only sweets. Of course I balance it with healthy eats. [caption id="attachment_15985" align="alignnone" width="600"]Spicy sour veggie and fruit mix Spicy sour veggie and fruit mix[/caption] I just love anything spicy and sour. Especially with veggies and fruits! [caption id="attachment_16007" align="alignnone" width="600"]Fresh And Easy Southwest Salad Fresh And Easy Southwest Salad[/caption] For lunch I had the Southwest Chicken Salad from Fresh & Easy. It's tasty and convenient when you don't have the time to make your lunch. Have a great week friends! Stick around and check out the posts I hope to get to like this taco place we went to few weeks ago, the latest Lay's chips review, chocolate reviews, and a few other stuff. Real food for the hiking trail






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