Product Review: Don’t Go Nuts

Don't Go Nuts
Don’t Go Nuts Lift Service Bar

Don’t Go Nuts is an energy bar intended for those who can’t have nuts in their diet. The person behind this product is named Lily Pinto who had severe peanut and tree nut allergies at a young age of 3, and now she’s only 12! Nowadays it seems like there are a lot more cases of nut allergies. And luckily there’s a product with options. “G” and I tried this Xtreme Fudge Chocolate With White Chocolate Tracks.
Savory Nutrition Bar from Journey Bar

Extreme Brownie with White Chocolate tracks cut in half
Extreme Brownie with White Chocolate tracks cut in half

Now “G” doesn’t like chocolate but he really enjoyed it. I have to admit that there were a lot of sugar but boy is it tasty. It’s like dessert with nutrition and vitamins to keep your energy level up. It’s very fudge-ey and you get that extra sweetness from the white chocolate “trail” which seemed more like icing than white chocolate.
Savory Nutrition Bar from Journey Bar

Extreme Brownie with White Chocolate tracks
Extreme Brownie with White Chocolate tracks

What’s also great about it is that they’re non-GMO, organic, and tasty!

It’s a real treat for only 170 cal. Remember to don’t go nuts. Also how about packing this for your kids since school are now more strict with kids bringing snacks or lunches with peanut butter.

Check out their other line of products below!


healthy breakfast






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