Cute miniature apples

These cute miniature apples are called Lady Apples…

Cute miniature apples
Cute miniature apples

I dropped by the market the other day and saw these cute miniature apples! I’ve never seen them so tiny so I just had to compare it to my hands.

These cute miniature apples are actually called Lady apples and has other multiple names like Pink Lady Apples, Christmas Apples, Wax Apples, and Lay’s Finger.

When are Lady Apples in season? They’re in season during the fall. You can actually order some at Specialty Produce.

It was said that lady apples are usually used to holiday decorations and are synonymous with holidays . If you can recall some of the ornaments for the Christmas tree, you may noticed that the lady apples were on it.

Have you ever tried Lady Apples? These are so lady like and would go well with hosting a get together with the girls 🙂






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