Costco Fruits You Need To Know About

Costco Fresh Prunes
Costco Fresh Prunes

Sunburst Superfoods
Hi friends! What’s your favorite thing about the hot summer weather? I’m not a big fan of the heat but I love the fact that there are just so much fruits in season. Every market I go to, American, Mexican, or Korean, there’s just a great selection of fruits such as berries, oranges, melons, grapes, and so much more. You just don’t see a lot of berries when they’re not in season and if you do they’re way too expensive.

I just went to Costco the other day and saw their huge selection of fruits! Check out all the pictures I snapped of all the Costco fruits!

Costco Fruits Now In Season

Costco Pineapples
Costco Pineapples

You’ll be big boxes full of fruits such as pineapples, prunes, melons, and so much more.

Costco Melon
Costco Melon

How can you tell if melon is ripe? Try thumping or squeezing it. Ripe melons should have a hallow sound whereas an unripe melon will sound solid. You can simply just try smelling it. If it has a sweet aroma it’s most likely ripe.

Costco Green Grapes
Costco Green Grapes

There are many varieties of grapes such as green, red, and seedless. I usually love getting the green ones since they’re tangy and sour.

Costco Red Grapes
Costco Red Grapes

Sunburst Superfoods
Costco Seedless Grapes
Costco Seedless Grapes

It’s nice to enjoy grapes without having to deal with seeds getting in the way. Just pop these in your mouth and chew away!

Costco Strawberries
Costco Strawberries

You definitely need to check out their strawberries as they’re packages in huge clear containers! They’re vibrantly red, sweet, delicious, and just check out the sizes of each individual strawberries.

Costco Cherries
Costco Cherries

I’m so happy it’s finally cherry season. Costco cherries are fresh and dark in color which is the color you want to look out for. Ripe cherries should be bright red unless they’re Rainier cherries which are considered to be ripe even with a yellowish reddish color. They should also be firm, juicy, and tender.

Happy summer and go checkout the Costco Fruits!

Sunburst Superfoods






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