Hey friends from USA as well as friends from all over the world! It’s only a few days until the 4th of July which is the Independence Day for USA. So I thought I’d share some Costco Fourth Of July Sweets that you can get right now before the time comes. Costco will unfortunately be closed during this holiday but that doesn’t mean you can’t go right this minute and pick up sweets! I’ve shared a few Costco sweets in big bulk before so I thought it was about time to make another one =)

Costco has a lot of fourth of July sweets such as the Kirkland fourth of July cookies you see above the post. It’s the perfect way to celebrate this holiday without having to bake. You can’t get a more American dessert than this All American Chocolate cake. The name says it all!

How about this white and chocolate cupcakes with butter cream? It’s not very fourth of July-ish but what the hey, it’s summer so it’s a fun and colorful treat everyone will love.

This Kirkland Triple Berry Pie is also quite American so I thought it was perfect to have at the Fourth of July BBQ or to bring to the park.

If you need a pick me up before setting up the Fourth of July party, grab a piece of this Cinnamon Butter Pound Coffeecake and have it with your coffee.

Last but not least, here’s the Kirkland Croissant Morning Buns perfect to warm up in the microwave with a morning cup of Joe or tea. It comes with six buns so be sure you can share the other 5…if you can that is!
Are you ready for the Fourth of July holiday? There’s still time for yummy treats so you can just sit back and relax and enjoy the fireworks.
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