Coffee (Lattes and all)

Ever since I started working in the corporate world, that’s when I began drinking coffee. Before that, the only thing I liked about coffee was its aroma. I couldn’t understand why people drank it all the time. It was too bitter in my opinion and I would have to add a ton of sugar and creamer.

The aroma of coffee always did remind me of certain things. It reminded me of my teachers during grade school because they always had their coffee mug or their thermal coffee cup. It reminded me of my parents waking up early in the morning and having their coffee. I just thought it was a morning routine for adults and now that I think about it, I always have my coffee in the morning and never in the afternoon or evening. Coffee is just associated with the morning and that’s when I enjoy it the most. If I can wake up  in any country, I think it would be somewhere in France while drinking a latte with a pain au chocolat from a local cafe. 🙂

I do wish I had my own milk steamer except I wouldn’t use milk. I’m lactose intolerant so I’d use either soy milk or almond milk. I did buy a milk frother from Amazon a while back because it would be much more convenient and cheaper to make my own latte.

The frother is called “Aerolatte Milk Frother, Satin” which is just a handheld whisker that makes the milk foamy. What I didn’t like about it was that the foam was too bubbly and didn’t have the silky texture you would get from a milk steamer.

I usually have almond coffee in the morning. And it’s quite simple to make since it’s plain.

Almond coffee: 2 cups of almond milk & any instant coffee mix and viola! It’s done after you warm up the milk to your liking. .






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