Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf From Perfect Meatloaf Pan Recipe Book

Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf
Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf. Photo: Foodwanderer.

My boyfriend has that “The Amazing Meatloaf Pan” where you just can’t fail on making a great meatloaf and so we decided to make Bacon Cheeseburger meatloaf which is one of the recipes from the recipe book you get with the purchase.  I wasn’t really a meatloaf fan until I tried the original meatloaf my boyfriend and I made last year. It was delicious and full of flavor even-though all the fat dripped! What’s great about meatloaf is that you can make it in no time, have a slice for dinner along with scallop potatoes, or veggies. What’s even better is that it makes a great left over for tomorrow’s diner. You can make it a hamburger! Who needs to go to a fast food joint when you can use lean ground beef and use bacon and not feel guilty since the fat is dripped during the baking process.

Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf


2 pounds lean ground beef
1/2 cup grated onion
3/4 cup of fresh crumbs
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 teaspoon ground black pepper
8 slices American cheese
6 strips uncooked bacon


1. Preheat oven to 350° F
2. In a large bowl mix together beef, bread crumbs, onion, eggs and pepper until well combined.
Transfer two-thirds of the meat mixture to Perfect Meatloaf Pan. To make a well for the filling,        press meat mixture into the pan away from the center and up the sides. Fill center with 1 cup      sliced or shredded cheese. Top with remaining meat mixture, pressing sides together to seal        the edges.

3. Layer bacon slices, overlapping slightly, over top of meatloaf,

4. Pick up Perfect Meatloaf Pan by the sides, transfer to oven and bake 50 minutes,

5. Remove from oven by sides of pan and top with remaining cheese. Return to oven and bake 10    minutes more.

6. Remove from oven by sides of pan to a cooking rack, Grip insert by handles and lift meatloaf        from pan, Transfer to cutting board or platter and rest 15 minutes before serving.

7. Be extra careful as the insides may be hot from the oozing cheese.
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