Travel Thursday: Tour Of The Canyon Village Yellowstone Groceries

Big cinnamon roll
Big cinnamon roll

Hey friends happy Wednesday! I hope you all enjoyed the cool product I shared with you all about the AROMAFORK. I thought it was an innovative gadget for all you food lovers. Here’s another something I want to share with all you foodies out there. I just love going to little shops and markets to check out what kind of food products they carry.

Huckleberry Gems Candy
Huckleberry Gems Candy

The Canyon Village Yellowstone Groceries is located at the Canyon Village in Yellowstone which is one of the popular area to stop for lunch, for a quick bite, and to shop for souvenirs. Visitors from all over the world come here for some tasty treats like the huge cinnamon bun, yummy candies like the huckleberry gems candy and even an Old Faithful candy. How awesome is that.

No bake cookie
No bake cookie

If you’re on a gluten-free diet there’s no worries because there’s the No-Bake Cookie just for you.

Huckleberry Popcorn
Huckleberry Popcorn

Huckleberries are a staple here is Yellowstone so don’t be surprised to see popcorn flavored huckleberry!


There are rows and rows of snacks such as Corn Nuts, nuts, dried fruits, trail mixes, a variety of granola bars, and 5 hour energy drinks for that all day adventures at the park.

Canyon Village Yellowstone Groceries
Canyon Village Yellowstone Groceries

TADA here’s the Yellowstone Groceries logo as you walk in the store.

Beer and soda
Beer and soda

Look, they even have beer here! I was surprised to see it because I’m not sure anyone would want to drink when there’s so much to do out in Yellowstone.
Canyon Village Yellowstone Groceries is located at Yellowstone National Park, WY at the Canyon Village area.



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