Breakfast At Mimi’s Cafe


I recently went to grab breakfast at Mimi’s Cafe which was my first time here. I would only drive past many Mimi’s Cafe locations and admire the way the restaurant looks because it’s a cute little house, like grandma’s house from a story book. I’m not too crazy about chain restaurants but this was one restaurant my other foodie friends goes to, which I was shocked to hear, and actually said they enjoyed the food. They’re not a big fan of chain restaurants either and usually look down on it but when I heard they liked the food here, I thought it might be a good experience.

Journey Bar on Salads
Sunday was early morning errand day and  “G” and I stopped here to try it out. He told me to keep a lookout for a place to eat or Yelp something but then a Mimi’s Cafe appeared. (A wild Mimi’s Cafe appeared! ..This was just a Pokemon reference hehe) We were seated right away and the waiter was kind and apologetic that it took a while to get our meal, but it was no problem at all since “G” and I were chatting and checking out the decors in the restaurant. The atmosphere is really nice and cozy and the sun was shining right through the window on top of the cafe and was on my face so I had to keep adjusting where I was sitting.

Mimi's Cafe Corned Beef Hash & Eggs
Mimi’s Cafe Corned Beef Hash & Eggs

Mimi’s Cafe servers American dishes but is leaning more towards a French cuisine according to their site. Capture1Here’s “G”‘s order of the Corned beef hash and two eggs served any style. It comes with toast or muffin, and potatoes roasted with savory, thyme & basil. He’s a big fan of anything corned so he had to get this. I kinda knew he would.
healthy breakfast

Strawberries & Crème Waffles
Strawberries & Crème Waffles

I couldn’t decide what I wanted. I wanted a Egg White and Veggie Omelet at first but then I figured I can easily make this at home. So I made a choice to choose something that I can’t really make at home. Well I CAN make waffles at home but I don’t have time in the morning to make some 🙁 …

Crispy Bacon and scrambled eggs
Crispy Bacon and scrambled eggs

So instead I ordered the Strawberries & Crème Waffles because there was a beautiful picture on it on the menu! I just love menu with pictures and that’s how I typically make my food choices, especially if it’s a new place. Do you do that too? I asked for the  Orange marmalade cream cheese and strawberry puree separately so I can control the amount to spread on my mini waffles. It also came with warm syrup which I used as a waffle dip. I always get my eggs scrambled and of course I had to have bacon. The bacon was perfectly crispy so I was a happy camper.

Mimi's Cafe Breakfast Menu
Mimi’s Cafe Breakfast Menu

See the Strawberries & Crème Waffles picture on the top right? That’s what drew me in.

Mimi's Cafe Breakfast Menu
Breakfast at Mimi’s Cafe

Mimi’s Cafe is located throughout the US so check them out if you’re looking for breakfast! Oh and be sure to fill out the survey of your experience here so the next time you come back, you can get a free two muffin pack of chocolate croissant.



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