Hierloom Tomatoes

Best foods for better eye sight

Our eyes are essential to perform daily tasks and live day-to-day. Many adults have eye related problems like cataracts, but we can help prevent that. We need to take care of our eye sights through nutrition and having healthy eye habits. Remember when your parents or grandparents constantly was on your case about not watching TV so close up, or using the computer and video game so often? Unfortunately as grownups, we end up working in the corporate world and all we do is state on the computer which can deteriorate out eye sight.

One healthy habit I like to live by is something called “10-10-10”. My brother actually told me about it and I have to remind myself. So what is this 10-10-10″? Every 10 mins, focus on something that’s 10 feet in front of you for at least 10 seconds. I’d like to also include closing your eyes for 10 seconds to moisturize your eyes. So I’ll call it the Four Eye’d 10’s”. That way, you exercise your eyes and relieve them from constant strain.

So what are the best foods for eye sight?

Here is a list of the foods which are beneficial to eye sight.

    • Tomato- contains Lycopene
    • Carrots- They are available throughout the year and is an excellent source of antioxidant, prevents oxidative damage, and is said to have more benefits if they are steamed. Plus it’s tastier steamed!
    • Orange Juice: Good source on vitamin C but keep servings low as it contains lots of sugar. It’s preferred to juice your own oranges since there are no preservatives and no added sugars.
    • Oysters: Contains brain boosting omega-3 fatty acids and zinc which is beneficial to the eyes.
    • Kale: Contains carotenoids and lutein which is beneficial to eyes. Including kale in your diet may lower risk for cataracts by 22%.
    • Peanuts: Provides healthy fats that will protect the layer of the eyes and contains vitamin E and zinc which is important for eye health.
    • Quinoa: Many benefits such as zinc, healthy fats, vitamin B and much more.

Practice good eye health hygiene:

  • Use sugar and sweets sparingly as it’s contributed to diabetes and can damage nerves on the eyes and deteriorates eye sight.
  • Limit TV, computer, & game use.
  • When outdoors, use UV sunglasses and polarized sun glasses are highly recommended.






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