Friday’s BBQ and Birthday Gathering

Grilled chicken, rice, grilled squash, and beans.
Grilled chicken, rice, grilled squash, and beans.

I had an amazing dinner at my boyfriend's home. He bought some chicken breasts from Costco and grilled those up along with squash that were grown in his back yard. [caption id="attachment_3811" align="alignnone" width="625"]Tossing the squash on the grill Tossing the squash on the grill[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3813" align="alignnone" width="625"]Grilling the squash Grilling the squash[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3812" align="alignnone" width="625"]Grilling squash Grilling squash[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3822" align="alignnone" width="625"]Perfectly grilled squash Perfectly grilled squash[/caption] We just seasoned the squash with olive oil and pepper and was grilled to perfection. [caption id="attachment_3820" align="alignnone" width="625"]Raw chicken about to be grilled Raw chicken about to be grilled[/caption] The grill was up to about 500 degrees and left the chicken grilling for about 10 mins on each side to make sure there's nothing raw in the chicken. We added the lime chicken seasoning on both sides as we were grilling. [caption id="attachment_3825" align="alignnone" width="625"]Seasoned chicken breast Seasoned chicken breast[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3824" align="alignnone" width="625"]Seasoned chicken breast Seasoned chicken breast[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3823" align="alignnone" width="625"]Seasoned chicken breast Seasoned chicken breast[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3833" align="alignnone" width="625"]Green squash Green squash[/caption] The backyard is becoming more and more greener with the plants growing, the corn growing sky high, and the tomatoes are all growing as well. [caption id="attachment_3809" align="alignnone" width="577"]Watermelon Watermelon[/caption] There were watermelons growing on the vines and I was so amused at how the watermelon looked! I've never seen it so tiny and never knew the process in how a watermelon develops. Kids should learn about how to grow vegetable and see how it all begins as I think they should know and it would be a good learning experience for them. I definitely learned a lot while first planting the seeds and see how the plants begin to grow, produces the flowers, which will then form into a fruit. [caption id="attachment_3808" align="alignnone" width="577"]Green tomatoes Green tomatoes[/caption] It's so tall that it goes way past the height of the ring stands. I don't remember the tomato plants growing as tall as it is now. My bf did use organic plant food which I think really helped. [caption id="attachment_3807" align="alignnone" width="577"]Corn is almost ready! Corn is almost ready![/caption] The corn plants are sky high and is basically ready to be picked and grilled 🙂 [caption id="attachment_3806" align="alignnone" width="577"]Corn is almost ready! Corn is almost ready![/caption] [caption id="attachment_3804" align="alignnone" width="625"]Corn is almost ready! Corn is almost ready![/caption] [caption id="attachment_3805" align="alignnone" width="577"]Squash Squash[/caption] I forget the name of this but I can imagine it would taste great either baked or grilled. [caption id="attachment_3803" align="alignnone" width="625"]Kitten we named Tiger :) Kitten we named Tiger :)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3802" align="alignnone" width="625"]Tiger and her mom Star Tiger and her mom Star[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3800" align="alignnone" width="625"]Tiger and her mom Star Tiger and her mom Star[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3799" align="alignnone" width="625"]Tiger and her mom Star Tiger and her mom Star[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3828" align="alignnone" width="625"]Sandwiches, pizza, wrap Sandwiches, pizza, wrap[/caption] Our friend had his birthday celebration and there were so much food as you can see. [caption id="attachment_3829" align="alignnone" width="625"]Sandwiches Sandwiches[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3830" align="alignnone" width="625"]Costco's wrap platter Costco's wrap platter[/caption] It was a great Friday with lots of great food, beautiful weather, and fun gatherings to begin the fun weekend with! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});






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