Author: Foodwanderer

  • OC Fair July 12 2013 to August 11 2013

    Its that time again where we get to try all the unhealthiest food imaginable from OC Fair July 12 2013 to August 11 2013!  Get ready to eat healthy during the week to prepare for that deep fried Twinkies, butter, funnel cakes,  chocolate bacon, and many more during the weekend. For the health conscious, here…

  • Best food to eat after a workout

    After a workout, your muscles need protein to repair the muscles you used. Its best to consume something within 30 mins of working out. Here are a list of foods thats beneficial to help repair muscles and replenish lost minerals: Eggs Cooconut water Banana Chicken breast Chia seeds: They are high in protein and omega…

  • Budweiser new flavours

    I was watching TV the other day which is surprising since I rarely watch it. As I was watching, the Budweiser commercial caught my attention because they are offering few new flavors like strawberry and lime. Anything strawberry is my weakness like strawberry Hi-Chews, mochi, tea, granola bars, and actual strawberries.