Apple: The Many Benefits Of It

Homemade apple chips
Homemade apple chips


Many of you probably heard the saying,  "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and there's a reason for that. But before we get into the benefits of apples, did you know that back in 1607, settlers at Jamestown didn't harvest it for eating? You wouldn't believe that it wasn't as sweet as the ones we eat today. Apples were originally called aeppel which is derived from an Old English world. But enough with the history, lets check out the many benefits of apples. When people think of apple, they think of the Apple Iphone, but I doubt there's any health benefits linked to the usage of cell phones. Being on your Apple phone is probably not the best idea, but eating an apple is very beneficial.
[caption id="attachment_16008" align="alignnone" width="600"]IMG_20140907_122351 Fruit medly: Add sliced apples, mango, and cucumber with peppers and lemon![/caption] For those who have a high risk of developing diabetes, an apple a day can help prevent the disease so instead of grabbing a chocolate bar for a quick pick-me-up, grab an apple as it helps regulate blood sugar levels. Apples are high in fiber,prevent gallstones, beats diarrhea and constipation. The liver plays a vital role if your everyday routine because the food and drinks we consume contains toxins and that's where the liver detoxify the body. Eating fruits can help detoxify, especially apples, but make sure it's organic as the thin skin of the fruit absorbs pesticides. Apples can also help with weightloss. A medium apple (4 grams) is about 95 calories. I usually eat an apple as a dessert or before I eat and trust me, it helps with the overeating.
[caption id="attachment_16208" align="alignnone" width="600"]IMG_1463 Caranel candy apples: Not the healthiest but you can make it fun from time to time[/caption] Yes, sometimes the candy stores tries to make something healthy into something not so healthy but hey, you gotta enjoy it time to time. But if you're looking to get a healthy snack alternative, try making your own apple chips! So, have you had an apple today?






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