Aloto Gelato Serves You A Loto Sweets

Aloto Gelato & More
Aloto Gelato & More. Photo: Foodwanderer

Aloto Gelato & More is MORE than enough to satisfy your sweet tooth

Aloto Gelato And More is located at 546 Pine Knot Ave Big Bear Lake, CA 92315. Thankfully it was a warm day in Big Bear that we decided gelato would be perfect, especially because we were craving something sweet after lunch.

What do you choose when you're in line and there's so many flavors?
What do you choose when you’re in line and there’s so many flavors? Photo: Foodwanderer

On the counter for Aloto Gelato & More, there was a sign stating it was under new management. This was my first time here so I have no idea how the management was before. The worker was nice enough to let us try sample of the flavors.

Tangy Raspberry my bf ordered
Aloto Gelato & More- Tangy Raspberry my bf ordered. Photo: Foodwanderer

My bf tried the raspberry gelato and he instantly decided that was the one he was going to get. It was tangy and sour and would keep you awake.

Tiramisu & Raspberry Gelato
Tiramisu & Raspberry Gelato. Photo: Foodwanderer

It was so difficult to choose a flavor so I asked the clerk if I could sample the tiramisu. One taste and I knew that”s what I wanted. I could taste the coffee and the gelato had a little bit of crunchy chunks in it. I couldn’t exactly tell what it was, perhaps just the way the gelato was made, but non the less, it was a winner and I savored every bite.

What do you choose when there's just so many options?
What do you choose when there’s just so many options? Photo: Foodwanderer

There were a bunch of souvenir items like teddy bears, mugs, and figurines.

Stuffed Bears and other souvenir items
Stuffed Bears and other souvenir items. Photo: Foodwanderer
Chocolate gummy bears!
Chocolate gummy bears! Photo: Foodwanderer

Not only can you get gelato from Aloto Gelato & More, but also their huge selection of candies! What caught my attention was the chocolate covered gummy bears. That just gave me a bright idea. I need to try melting my own chocolates and dipping gummy bears AND gummy worms.

Many different kinds of candy
Many different kinds of candy. Photo: Foodwanderer
Many different kinds of candy
Many different kinds of candy. Photo: Foodwanderer
Salt water taffy
Salt water taffy. Photo: Foodwanderer






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