Month: February 2014

  • Product Reviews: Maeda-en Mango Mochi

    Product Reviews: Maeda-en Mango Mochi

    Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day! It was a day filled with delicious food, my Valentine, and a wonderful time. “G” and I went out to a delicious Mediterranean restaurant which I’ll post tomorrow so come back and check it out. I’m pretty sure lots of people had enough…

  • Tis The Season For Girl Scout Cookies

    Tis The Season For Girl Scout Cookies

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! It’s finally “V” day instead of “D” day. What are your plans for this Hallmark holiday? So this is probably off topic but I wanted to share with you all girl scout cookies! On second thought, your Valentine’s date might love a box of these wonderful cookies or if you can…

  • Delicious Traditional Ramen: Santouka Ramen

    Delicious Traditional Ramen: Santouka Ramen

    Yay it’s already Thursday! Can you believe the week just flew by? I sure am. Last weekend, “G” and I went to Mitsuwa after running some errands and luckily it was quite chilly out which is the perfect weather for some warm noodles. Inside Mitsuwa food courts is a noodle restaurant called Santouka Ramen. I…