To feed your salty cravings…

I love pita chips and it was like love at first taste when I tried Stacys Pita Chips. What I like most about pita chips is that it goes so well with a burger or sandwich or just having it as a saltylicious snack. Both the Stacys Pita Chips Original and Parmesan Garlic and Herb is delicious, but I especially like the original.

How many calories does Stacys Pita Chips Original have? For 10 chips, it is 130 calories so make sure you don’t end up eating the whole bag. I know I’ll have no problem eating the whole bag but remember, moderation is key!

How many calories does Stacys Pita Chips Parmesan Garlic & Herb have? It has 140 calories for 9 chips. A smart budget friendly way to snack healthy is to get the snack sized zip lock bags and to make perfect portions instead of buying snack sized bag of chips which will end up costing you more.
Stacy’s offer many other selection of snacks like the Toasted Garlic Bagel Chips, Garden Veggie Medley Pita Chips, Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chips, Everything Bagel Chips, Perfectly Thymed Pita Crisps, and if you’re feeling healthy you can choose to purchase the Multigrain Pita Chips.

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